
Sunday, November 27, 2011

Poorly Bertie

Poor Bert had an operation to remove his longing for girl doggies on Monday 14th November. He came home as right as rain and then went slowly downhill. He developed an infection and by the Wednesday he was very unsettled, agitated and wanted nothing more than to put himself in the smallest corner of the house. Another trip to the vet took place and he confirmed the infection and gave him painkillers, antibiotics and a buster collar! 

 For some reason his favourite place was the bathroom.

He looks like a sunflower and I was tempted to draw petals on it but thought it may embarrass him when he went out.

He was on short walks only, no running, playing or jumping, not that he wanted to at the time. Only problem was he wouldn't spend a penny with this collar on and he stored it up for two days, then we stood at one tree for a full five minutes while he got rid of it. Because he couldn't go in the garden we were walking the estate at 5 am when he needed to go out. I have to admit I was a little worried when he seemed to show no improvement.

He had a little difficulty eating his tea so I ended up holding it for him and for some reason he wouldn't stand and I had to hand feed him till he decided he wanted it. I have gone through a load of pasta, he loves it.
You may notice the grey around the collar, we had to tape it up several times to keep it from dropping to bits. He crashed into all the doors several of which have no paint left on them. My legs are covered in bruises, you would think someone had whipped me with a stick, he couldn't judge the distance and would crash into you from behind. He did enjoy loads of cuddles and would sit with his head on your knee and go to sleep.

After several more visits to the vets and more antibiotics he was more or less given the all clear, he is 99% healed.  The collar is used only for bedtime and then after another couple of days it is going in the bin. He is running around pinching slippers again and looks forward to his walks and meal times.

Boy am I glad, I have been totally stressed out and worried about him all the time. I have been told off for fussing over him too much, but I am sure all you pet lovers out there can identify with that. It's just so nice to see him back to 'normal'.

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